Untitled 2016, collage, oil stick, lead pencil, and screen print on paper, 56x76cm. Image: the artist. Untitled 2016, collage, oil stick, lead pencil, and screen print on paper, 56x76cm. Image: the artist. Untitled 2016, collage, oil stick, lead pencil, and screen print on paper, 56x76cm. Image: the artist. Untitled 2016, collage, oil pastel, carbon transfer, oil stick, lead pencil, and screen print on paper, 56x76cm. Image: the artist. Horse Study 2016, collage, pencil, oil stick, and screen print on paper, 56x76cm. Image: the artist. Untitled 2014, lead pencil, coloured pencil, carbon paper transfer, oil stick, collage, and screen print on paper, 90x110cm. Image: the artist. Exit 2013, lead pencil, coloured pencil, carbon paper transfer, oil stick, and screen print on paper, 90x110cm. Image: the artist. I Have Feelings 2012, drawing, screenprint, collage, and on paper, 76x56cm. Image: the artist. Life in a Small Town 2008, screen printing, acrylic paint, pencil, gap filler, and collage on paper, 76x56cm. Image: the artist. Seagulls and Signposts 2007, oil stick, oil pastel, lead pencil, coloured pencil, and water colour on paper, 30x15cm. Image: the artist. The Phenomenon of the Humble Cow #2 2005–07, charcoal, collage, material, oil pastel, pencil, and acrylic paint on paper, 76x56cm. Image: the artist. The Phenomenon of the Humble Cow #1 2005–07, charcoal, collage, material, oil pastel, pencil, and acrylic paint on paper, 76 x 56cm